Also our web load very fast, we have a easy and reliable design for our visitors. Otherwise, we offer a such of requirements to add to your link, there is a variety of popular and demanded requirements. Why we are better than other services? We are better than other services because we bring the posibility of creating a link without any login or registration. You can decide what requeriments add to your links without any limits and grain your audience in a very and fast way, that will help you in your online career. Before creating your link you can add requeriments like follow in your Instagram account, follow your channel of YouTube, follow your Twitch channel, follow your account of TikTok or make the users join to your Discord. What types of requeriments can I add into my created link? You have the posibility of adding some requeriments into your links.

Finally, you do the captcha and click on the button green, that will create the link shorten with the requeriments that you have selected.

In the text area with the icon of a link, you have to put the link that you want to be the users that complete the requeriments will go. When you have add all the social media that you want to be in the link, you have to paste the link of your social media in each type. How can I create a link with requirements? You ony have to go to the section where is located as a menu, with the button add requeriment you will be able to add any of your social media to your link, you can select any social media that you want to be in your link.