With the model done, I added the label textures using the Material Editor. For more complex shapes though, you may struggle to get what you want out of this software. Using the modifiers in C4D Lite is easy and you get a decent amount of choices to make simple models. Next, I used the lathe tool on the spline to turn it into a 3D object with a simple drag and drop. Navigating within the space is also smooth and straightforward. Click, drag and adjust anchor handles as needed.

The spline tool is easy-to-use and feels like Illustrator’s pen tool. Using the spline tool, I traced the silhouette of half the bottle. Using both C4D Lite and Blender, I tried to create the same scene to showcase the abilities of both.

I couldn’t think of a better way to test two 3D packages than with a hot sauce bottle showdown. Blender Battle of 2020! Battle of the Software! So here is what I know you’ve all been waiting for: the C4D Lite vs. After having spent time in both pieces of software, I wanted to share the pros and cons of using these 3D tools. I’ve been recently learning Cinema 4D Lite in my professional development time at gskinner and comparing it to Blender 2.8.